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The IIntegrate interface

The interface exposes one single method, the Read method. The IIntegrate interface is meant for high performance operations that return a limited amount of data. The method requires that the execution of the Marshal job results in exactly one XML file, and that the size of the XML file is small enough the be returned in one chunk.

The Read method

Call the Read method to execute the specified Marshal job. The method returns the generated XML.
public string Read(string marshalStructureName, string exportFilter, string customExportHeader, bool executeImport)
Parameter name
The name of the Marshal model to execute. (The name as it appears in the Marshal Repository)
If you wish, you can supply an export filter to limit the amount of data returned. The filter will be passed to the top level query harvester of the Marshal model. Read more about how to use export filter with your harvester.
Marshal allows you to add your own custom header elements to the export files. Custom headers can help users and applications to understand what the export contains. Typical export headers could describe which system has been exported and the purpose of the export.
If your Marshal model contains Inport rules, you can choose to execute these. You can read more about import rules in the Import article.

Return value

The XML content of the export is returned by the method. The content is UTF-8 encoded.